How to rejuvenate your face: ways to rejuvenate your skin naturally

To preserve beauty and youth, various care procedures have been created. This includes hardware technology, injection and massage techniques. When it comes to the question of how to rejuvenate your face, it is better not to rely on your own opinion, but to seek advice from an expert. They will help you choose a set of measures to prevent early withering, delay age-related changes and improve skin condition. It is important to understand that this is not a one-time event, but a systematic and long-term program that should begin to be implemented after 25 years.

Early signs of aging

The body has certain internal reserves. When it begins to decrease, this mainly affects the condition of the epidermis. In youth, regeneration occurs quickly, sufficient amounts of elastane and collagen are produced, maintaining muscle tone and skeleton, giving a clear and even, fresh oval color to the integument. With age, wrinkles appear, first small, mimic, then more noticeable. Elasticity is lost, color deteriorates, dryness increases, contours become blurred, folds sag. In such a situation, they say that the first signs of withering have appeared. This may depend on heredity, health status, lack of proper comprehensive care and other equally important prerequisites.

Specialists will assess age-related changes in the skin of the face and select a complex for rejuvenation

What external factors influence rapid skin aging?

There is a whole complex of aggressive influences that accelerate the appearance of age-related changes.

  1. Sunshine.This is called photoaging. The level of elasticity and moisture decreases, the shade changes, and pigment spots appear.
  2. Unfavorable environmental conditions.Air pollution can trigger the production of free radicals.
  3. Smoking.This combines the effects of high temperatures from smoke, ingestion of nicotine, tar, and other toxic substances into the body, which change the color of the integument, dry it out and cause the appearance of irritated areas. Natural facial rejuvenation with this bad habit is slow and ineffective.
  4. Nutrition.The passion for mono-diet gives a great blow to the skin, depriving it of essential elements. Nutrition should be complete and balanced. Only then is it possible to successfully resist age-related changes.
  5. Choosing the wrong care product.If creams and lotions do not match your skin type, then instead of being beneficial, they will cause harm. To exclude such a situation, it is advisable to seek advice from a beauty and health center.

General indications for anti-aging procedures

Questions often arise about how to determine when to start anti-aging activities. It is necessary to take into account that it is best to be proactive, that is, not to fight the signs of aging, but to prevent them. Signals for action are:

  • the first small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and lips;
  • pale and dull color;
  • dry skin;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • blurred contours;
  • dark spots.

This means the body needs help and support; internal reserves are no longer sufficient.

Using a rejuvenating mask to improve facial skin

What happens to the skin during rejuvenation

With the correct selection of care procedures, positive changes can be seen after the first session. Swelling disappears, facial features become more defined, upper eyelids lift, and folds under the chin tighten. The level of elasticity and moisture of the skin increases, the tone becomes bright and even, and wrinkles are reduced. The tension in the facial muscles is reduced and blood circulation is activated. Visually and actually the condition of the skin improves, age-related changes slow down. With already clear folds, you can achieve a significant reduction and leveling of relief.

Rejuvenation technology in cosmetology

Procedures are divided into salon and home procedures. Both directions are important, but independent efforts are supportive, and actions performed by cosmetologists provide dramatic changes in appearance.

Botulinum therapy

Injections of drugs containing botulinum toxin lead to blocking the transmission of impulses from nerve endings. As a result, the muscles relax and facial wrinkles disappear. This course is recommended to improve facial contours, remove sagging, and flatten relief. In some cases, it is possible to correct minor cosmetic defects, for example, slight asymmetry of features.

You can carry out skin care procedures at home to get rid of wrinkles


Procedures for subcutaneous injection of targeted drugs based on hyaluronic acid help prevent premature aging, hereditary or caused by hormonal imbalance. The active ingredients enter the inner layer, fill the wrinkles, and they are smoothed. Most effective at the first signs of wilting. The brighter they are, the less clear the result.

Placenta preparation injection

A multicomponent drug with a multivector effect is designed for complex skin restoration. This is the most effective facial rejuvenation at the cellular level. The drug initiates and balances all processes in the skin, which allows you to get maximum results without changing the proportions, unlike fillers. This course helps to achieve good hydration and compaction, giving a fresh and calm look. The high level of bioavailability leads to almost complete absorption of the product.

Innovative technology ensures safety and preserves all biologically active ingredients. The product slows down the aging process, has a firming effect, tightens tone and texture, and activates the natural synthesis of collagen and elastane. Metabolism improves, aging spots lighten.


This procedure uses the patient's own platelet-rich plasma. Natural regeneration is stimulated, the color and quality of the skin improves, and age-related changes are stopped.


An additional frame is created that prevents the tissue from changing shape. This material is filled with concentrated plasma filler, which ensures complete bioavailability and compatibility, eliminating rejection.

Contour plastic

With visible signs of aging, this is the most effective way to rejuvenate the face. Gives immediate results without surgical intervention. It is done with fillers with natural ingredients: collagen, hyaluronic acid and its polymers. Smoothes wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. Used to model oval shape, lip shape, nasolabial triangle, cheekbones, scar correction and other defects. A subcutaneous frame is formed that supports the tissue and prevents its deformation when exposed to gravitational ptosis. This procedure is most effective at the age of 30-50 years. It is possible to remove deep folds and compensate for the lack of volume in problem areas.

Professional massage promotes facial skin rejuvenation without injections

Hardware methods and techniques for rapid facial rejuvenation

During the session, a special device is used. Advantage:

  • visible results after the first visit to the office;
  • pain;
  • a small list of contraindications;
  • prolonged action.

There are many options for affecting the skin. Depending on the goals and characteristics of the body, the optimal way to solve the problem can be chosen for each patient.

Microcurrent therapy

Weak pulses of electric current have a relaxing effect, relieve muscle spasms and blood vessels, thereby activating blood circulation, reducing wrinkles, and improving the skin. Swelling disappears, nutrient flow increases, regeneration is accelerated and skin elasticity increases.


Modern technology is based on the use of high-intensity luminous flux. Collagen synthesis accelerates, cells are renewed. The condition of the epidermis improves, small facial folds are eliminated, and the tone becomes even.

Laser exposure

It has been used in cosmetology for more than half a century and is on the list of the main ways to maintain beauty and slow down the aging process. Offered: SMOOTH, Fraxel, FT-lifting, liposuction. The difference is in intensity and final effect. What is best for facial rejuvenation in this particular case is determined by experts.

The cosmetologist will determine based on the condition of the skin which hardware rejuvenation technique to use.


There are 2 types of procedures. Ultraphonophoresis increases the permeability of surface layers for cosmetics and drugs. At the same time, lymphatic drainage is carried out, blood circulation improves. Recommended for cleansing the epidermis, removing clogged pores and narrowing them, smoothing relief, normalizing fat metabolism, and deep hydration.

Ultrasonic peeling is gentle and universal, that is, suitable for any skin type.

How to rejuvenate your face at home

To maintain beauty and stop age-related changes, it is very important not only to undergo salon procedures, but also to maintain the condition of the skin itself.


You need to choose the right fund. It is better if they are in the same line, with the same main component composition. Anti-aging products should contain:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • glycine saponins;
  • magnolol;
  • oligopeptides;
  • antioxidants.

Individual characteristics, the presence or absence of allergies to certain substances, the age period and the general condition of the integument must also be taken into account. The complex includes products for cleaning, moisturizing, nutrition and sun protection. For dry and dehydrated epidermis, preference is given to dense structures of creams and gels; for oily and combination types, a lighter consistency is ideal.

Anti-aging cosmetics will help rejuvenate your facial skin at home


When options are considered about how and how to quickly rejuvenate the skin of the face without injections, priority is unconditionally given to this method. There are both complex techniques that require special training, and those that can be mastered independently and used at home. The choice is quite large:

  • classic;
  • point;
  • Japan;
  • spoon;
  • quoted according to Jacquet;
  • Thai;
  • honey;
  • lymphatic drainage

One thing is chosen or several methods are alternated.


Helps relieve tension, relax deep muscles, improve blood circulation. If you cannot determine which complex is suitable, then you should contact a cosmetologist.

Rejuvenation methods depend on age

Each period has its own characteristics, they need to be taken into account when choosing care procedures. Those under the age of 30 care more about aesthetics, harmonious features, eliminating external defects such as after acne and rashes in problem areas. The body's own reserves are sufficient for the production of sufficient collagen, maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of the integument. After the third decade, the production of substances responsible for the condition of the epidermis begins to gradually decrease and external support is required.

A fabric mask will allow women over 30 to look amazing

After 30-35 years

Methods and methods for facial skin rejuvenation are quite gentle, aimed at preventing the early appearance of wrinkles, improving nutrition and the hydration process. Peels, massages, laser technology and masks allow you to look amazing. The administration of botulinum toxin is justified for obvious deformities and rapid aging of the offspring. The following hardware procedures are offered:

  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • phonophoresis;
  • microcurrent;
  • myostimulation;
  • Darsonval.

They reduce swelling, strengthen the muscle skeleton, support proper metabolism, and activate fluid microcirculation.

After 40 years

Non-surgical technologies that prevent age-related processes are recommended. Special attention should be paid to mesotherapy with a cocktail of multivitamins, microelements and hyaluronic acid. Water balance is restored and elasticity increases. Cosmetic procedures involve deep hydration, proper nutrition, active mineralization, and lifting. It is worth paying attention to anti-stress and relaxation therapy.

The most effective new methods and technologies in facial rejuvenation for this age:

  • fractional photothermolysis;
  • lift the RF;
  • implantation of mesothreads;
  • botulinum toxin injection;
  • moderate chemical exfoliation;
  • grind.

If the contour begins to blur and a double chin appears, then the introduction of lipolysis is important.

Cosmetic procedure to moisturize and nourish the skin of the face after 40 years

After 50 years

At this age, more intense exposure is needed to stop the aging process and the formation of deep wrinkles. In the most popular list;

  • contour plastic surgery to correct the volume of problem areas, maintain elasticity and moisture levels;
  • SMAS lifting to work with the inner layer using high-intensity focused ultrasound, increasing the elasticity and density of the integument, stimulating collagen production, improving the condition of facial sagging;
  • photorejuvenation solves several problems at once: color is adjusted, signs of fatigue and vascular network are eliminated, and a tightening effect is provided;
  • Ultrasonic cleaning makes the skin soft and receives a care treatment using nourishing and moisturizing products.

In these years, bioreinforcement, thermage, and ozone therapy are also effective. Plastic surgery is recommended only if there is no effect from gentler methods.

Answers to common questions

With so much information, controversial situations still arise or some points about proper care need to be clarified. It should be considered that it is better to get professional advice without relying on general recommendations in fashion magazines, because each woman has her own characteristics in the structure of the integument, metabolic rate and response to the components of care products. That is why you should take all advice as an average recommendation.

To choose a set of anti-aging procedures, consultation and examination with a cosmetologist is necessary.

Until what age is rejuvenation effective?

Anti-aging therapy is not only cosmetic care aimed at removing wrinkles, but also maintains active processes in the structure of the epidermis and skeletal muscle. Success largely depends on individual characteristics, hereditary predisposition, general condition of the body, the presence or absence of bad habits, proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity. Usually, complex therapy procedures prevent age-related changes up to 50 years and older. But there are cases when a significant positive effect can be seen even after 60, if before that you systematically take care of your appearance using all the opportunities provided by the modern beauty industry.

Where to start rejuvenation

With a consultation with a cosmetologist and the selection of a set of effective methods for a particular patient. Must attend:

  • deep cleaning, stimulating the renewal process at the cellular level;
  • nutrition - in particular, by the method of vitamin complex injections;
  • prevent the formation of wrinkles with the help of gymnastics, massage, hardware cosmetology; in difficult cases, botulinum therapy should be considered.
The rejuvenation process should begin with high-quality facial skin nutrition.

What can you do to maintain a youthful neck?

In principle, the same methods and cosmetics used to maintain the condition of the body's skin are appropriate, according to age requirements.

Let's summarize

In the fight against the inevitable time, it is necessary to use the best products for facial skin rejuvenation and the latest technology, including innovative placenta products. With an integrated approach to this issue, you can maintain freshness, attractiveness and a luxurious appearance until your old age.